Green Delta Dragon Asset Management Company Limited

What is Mutual Fund

A mutual fund is a professionally managed fund that pools money from investors, including individuals and institutions, and invests them collectively into various types of assets including stocks, bonds and/or money market instruments. The prevalent form of mutual fund structure used around the world is the open-end mutual fund of unlimited size and tenor. Mutual funds invest in many different financial assets enabling small-scale investors to diversify investment risk. A mutual fund also benefits directly from the resources of its asset manager that conducts research, analysis, and due diligence on potential and existing portfolio investments of the mutual fund.

Mutual funds have various objectives with corresponding investment mandates, such as growth funds, value funds, money market funds, fixed income funds, alternative investment funds and hybrid funds. Growth funds predominantly invest in equity securities with the objective of capital appreciation.

Advantages of investing in Mutual Funds

Mutual funds offer several benefits that make them an attractive investment option. Understanding these benefits is crucial for maximizing the potential of mutual fund investments and making informed decisions. Here is a list of the benefits offered by mutual funds:


Mutual funds reduce risk by investing in multiple assets and

Mutual funds reduce risk by investing in multiple assets and sectors, spreading the investment and mitigating potential losses in one area with gains in others. This makes them a smart investment option compared to a concentrated portfolio.​

Professional Management

Mutual funds are managed by professionals who continuously

Mutual funds are managed by professionals who continuously monitor and adjust the portfolio to meet pre-defined investment objectives. This expertise is valuable for investors who lack the time or resources to individually research and purchase stocks.​

Low-cost investment

Transactional costs of mutual funds are shared amongst

Transactional costs of mutual funds are shared amongst investors that makes them more cost efficient than an individual investor composing his own portfolio.

Ease of Purchase and redemption Sale

Open End Mutual fund units can be easily purchased and sold

Open End Mutual fund units can be easily purchased and sold. Open-end mutual funds have no restrictions on liquidation, providing easy access to invested funds.​

Well-regulated funds

All mutual funds are regulated by Bangladesh Securities and

All mutual funds are regulated by Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), ensuring investor protection. BSEC mandates various guidelines that Asset Managers must adhere to. ​

IPO Quota

Mutual funds are entitled for guaranteed IPO allocation by

Mutual funds are entitled for guaranteed IPO allocation by which returns can be enhanced. ​

Flexible investment option

Investors can choose between lump sum investments and

Investors can choose between lump sum investments and Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) that allow them to invest in installments. Through SIP, an investor can start as little as BDT 1,000 per month through SIPs. ​

Tax-saving Advantages

Investors can significantly reduce their tax burden through

Investors can significantly reduce their tax burden through Investing in mutual funds. ​

Investment tax credit

A Bangladeshi individual investor may receive 15% tax credit on an allowable investment amount calculated on the lowest of: 1) actual investment amount; or 2) 20% of his total annual taxable income; or 3) BDT 10,000,000.

Tax exemption on profit from the fund

Profit generated by a mutual fund is exempt of tax. ​

Tax benefit on dividend income

Dividend income from investing in GDD EBCGF up to

Dividend income from investing in GDD EBCGF up to BDT 25,000- is exempt from income tax for Bangladeshi individual investors.​

Avoidance of double taxation for non-resident investors

Non-resident Unit Holders may qualify for a tax deduction within their resident country for withholding tax paid in Bangladesh, subject to double taxation convention between the Government of Bangladesh and the government of the country of residence of the Unit Holder.

Green Delta Dragon Enhanced Blue Chip Growth Fund (GDD EBCGF)

Green Delta Dragon Enhanced Blue Chip Growth Fund (GDD EBCGF) is a Growth Fund jointly sponsored by Green Delta Insurance Company Limited and Dragon Capital Markets Limited with the Objective to outperform the benchmark DS30 index return rate on an annual basis to the extent reasonably possible by focusing on select investments in the Securities of market leading companies, targeting capitalizations of BDT 8,500,000,000- (Bangladesh Taka eight billion five hundred million) or more and IPO investments of potential future market leaders.

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